Monday, October 27, 2008

Student or Student Teacher

The last couple of weeks has been very overwhelming for me to try balancing teaching students and being a student myself. At times I find myself thanking God that I don't have a job to balance in as well.
As a student I have had papers due, midterms to take, and nightly homework that I have struggled to fit in. As a teacher I have had papers to grade, 9 weeks tests to prepare students for and grade, and lesson plans to prepare and teach.
I have realized that at this time, all I can do is count down the days until graduation, and practice my poker face so my students don't know how frazzled I am.

1 comment:

Tammy Gillmore said...

So is this a valuable experience..this thing called student teaching?

"Back during my day," we student taught for one semester and took no classes that semester...would there be benefits to this format?