Thursday, October 18, 2012

"You can handle them all!"

My teacher introduced me to a great app.  It gives you a list of different students, the clown, the last word, the drama queen.  It also gives you symptoms by which to diagnose them.  It tells you what behavoirs to look for.  It tells you how this behavior affects teachers, classmates, and parents.  It will also give you primary needs being revealed, secondary needs being revealed, and primary causes of such behavior.  Then it gives you several ways to work with the student.  It will aslo give you a list of thing NOT to do with these types of behaviors.  It will also give related behaviors.  It is fantastic!!!  I think the app may be $3.99.

The Internet version is  You do have to register for it.  This is a great weapon to have in any teacher's discipline arsenal.  

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