Monday, September 2, 2013

Good Manipulation

I've always been that kid who liked the teacher(s) that no one else liked. My favorite teacher, however, was my AP English teacher, Ms. Pemberton, a teacher disliked by no one. She was one who spent the first day of class showing her mean self  so she could "get it out of the way" and continue the rest of the year in her normal personality, which is exactly what she did (give or take a few classes). She was just THAT teacher, the "cool" one, the one who made everyone anticipate her class every morning. Her class alone is the one class in my high school career that made me want to become an English teacher. Ms. Pemberton still motivates me today to become as good of a teacher as she is.

I started becoming a news junkie when I was in about the 9th grade, finally forcing myself to sit through World News with Charlie Gibson. Just a couple of years later I started becoming interested in politics, an interest primarily driven by the 2008 presidential elections. Since then, I've worked with several different local campaigns and look forward to helping with others in the future. Politics are very important to me and, I believe, should be very important to everyone else, as they affect everyone daily. My interest has continued growing every year, overcoming every political debate I've had with friends and family members. These friends and relatives who encourage or attempt to discourage me in my beliefs are the ones who have contributed greatly to who I am today.

Finally, the person who has caused me to be who I am today is my mom; she and I are basically the same person. We share the majority of our interests, and are always looking for things to share with each other while she is at home and I am at school. Her constant pestering of me to do my homework or make sure I do this or that, annoying though it is, has helped me become a much more responsible adult. All of the advice she has given me throughout my life will stick with me forever and continue to help me for the rest of my time on Earth.

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