Tuesday, December 16, 2008


In starting this Methods of Teaching English class, I absolutely hated the thought of blogging. It definately sounded stupid and something that I really did not want to participate in doing.

Since the beginning of this semester I have changed my opinion of blogging. I do think it is a creative way to journal things that are going on within your classroom. It is also a great way to incorporate the use of technology into the classroom environment for students. I can also see where it will really help me in my future as a teacher. Blogging in the future and reading other teachers blogs will help me come up with creative new ideas to use in the classroom.


Tammy Gillmore said...

I do hope you one day create your own blog...you have much to share with other teachers!

adoringHim14 said...

I definitely agree with you. I find blogging very fun and it is a great way to share information with others while also learning about different things from other people. I'm blogging about the conditions of poverty in Honduras if you're interested in taking a look. http://vcs.21classes.com/jklee?slsid=1230268402970&isContentPreview=true