Friday, September 11, 2009

Is It All Too Much?

I'm sitting in class wondering if I have set a goal this year that I may not be able to accomplish. I am in class as a student 17 hours a week, working at night, keeping up with a teenage daughter's schedule, and now, not only observing and helping in the classroom but also teaching a class. I hope it's just "a too much to do this week" mentality, but there are days the stress lets me know I'm overloaded.

I realize that I have to make more time in the day for preparing for class and for getting more of my work finished on the weekends and in the little bit of time I have between classes before I start teaching more classes per day. I'm working on becoming more organized and using my time more wisely, but it would just be so much more easy to be able to wave that magic wand and invent more time in the day!

I am determined to suceed and graduate in the spring so I will make this crazy schedule of mine work. After this it can only get easier! Right???


Tammy Gillmore said...

Breathe in...breathe out.

We are here to support you!

Codi said...

I feel your pain Ms. Kristie... we can do it :)