Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Flipping the Script

Up until this point, my two 7th grade classes have been the ones I have looked forward to the most. They usually participate, and I am usually impressed by their performance My 9th grade class has been my greatest challenge, and they usually drain me of most of my energy. Lately, this has not been the case. What's happening....

Allow me to explain exactly what has been going on. My 9th graders have been surprisingly pleasant. I usually struggle with getting them to care about the lessons I teach, and I usually have to spend 90% of my energy trying to keep this class quiet and on task. For the past few days, something has changed. They seem to be paying attention better than before. Of course this is leading to their understanding the material better. I am no longer having to slow down as much as I was having to before. We are staying on schedule due to their effort and understanding. As far as their behavior is concerned, I am pleasantly surprised. Actually, I would say I am thrilled. They seem to have realized that I am going to be around awhile and that they are better off to do as I say. I finally feel respected. This class is still a challenge of course, but I can't believe the progress they have made in both their performance and behavior.

My 7th graders? I'm not sure what's happening there. They seem to be the bigger challenge right now. Their behavior isn't the issue. So far, I have found that 7th graders behave better than a lot of other grades. So then what is the issue with my 7th graders? I'll tell you...lack of effort. I'm currently struggling with getting my students to understand the importance of what I'm teaching them. There has recently been a lack of interest during my lessons and activities. I am trying to find new ways to interest them and fun ways to help them learn, but it's not helping much. I believe part of the problem is the thinking that I'm asking them to do. These students have not been asked to think this critically until now, and I get the feeling they are just giving up on me...

So I clearly titled this entry "Flipping the Script" because it's almost like my two grade levels have switched places. My 9th graders are making so much progress, and my 7th graders are sitting still. One thing is for sure...I need to keep it up with my 9th graders. I need to keep challenging them and keep them heading in the right direction. With my 7th graders, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I do know that I need to just keep my head above water. I can't give up on them, and I have to keep looking for new ways to get these students to care about the material. I hope the script won't be flipped for too much longer and both of my classes will be where they NEED to be. I prefer not to have one grade level that is the "problem" class. 

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